Gurez Valley

Gurez, also pronounced "Gorai" in the local Shina language, is a valley located deep in the high Himalayas, about 86 km from Bandipore and 123 km from Srinagar in northern Jammu and Kashmir, India. Situated at an altitude of about 8,000 ft above sea level, the valley is surrounded by snow-capped mountains. Gurez Valley It has diverse fauna and wildlife, including the Himalayan Brown Bear and the Snow Leopard. The Neelum River flows through the valley. The road to Gilgit and Kashmir's border with Gilgit runs through Gurez and is also known as the Gurez-Gilgit transport road.


Historically, Gurez was part of ancient Dardistan, stretching from Sharada Peeth in the west to Minimarg in the north, Drass in the east, and Baghtor in the south. The Gurez Valley falls along a section of the ancient Silk Route, connecting the Kashmir Valley with Gilgit and beyond to Kashgar. Archaeological surveys in valleys north of Gurez along the Silk Route have uncovered hundreds of inscriptions in Kharoshthi, Brahmi, Hebrew, and Tibetan. These findings reveal insights into the origins of the Kashmiri people and the early history of Buddhism.

Quotes by Famous Authors

Walter R. Lawrence describes the Kishenganga valley (Gurais) in his book "The Valley Of Kashmir": "Perhaps one of the most beautiful scenes in Kashmir is the grove of huge poplars through which the traveler enters the Gurais valley. The climate is dry and mild, and the wild raspberries & currants are delicious." Gurez Valley 2

Habba Khatoon

Gurez's most formidable peak is Habba Khatoon, around which many legends abound. This pyramid-shaped peak is named after the famous Kashmiri poetess Habba Khatoon, known for her sorrowful love songs. Her poetry remains alive in the hearts of the Kashmiri people.

Fishery in Gurez Valley

There is great potential for the development of fishery resources in Gurez to overcome animal protein deficiency in the diet of the local people and to generate revenue. The Kishenganga River, which runs through the valley, is famous for world-class trout fishing, with the average weight of trout being 24 pounds. Fishery in Gurez

The most prominent fish varieties found here include:

  • Snow Trout (Shizothorax)
  • Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario L.)
  • Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri)
  • Shuddgurn
  • Anyour

With proper utilization of aquatic resources, Gurez can soon export its fishery products to other regions of the state and country.

Get in Touch

  13/A 2nd Floor Boulevard Shopping Complex Dalgate Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir India

  +91-9419708722 / 9906599907 /01942500190